Green Bitcoin aims at overcoming the shortages of existing blockchains by building up an energy-efficient, work-useful, scalable, and green blockchain system. Green Bitcoin is dedicated to promoting the blockchain industry through an environmentally friendly lens.
Discover Green BitcoinThe design of the consensus algorithm in Green Bitcoin allows nodes to reach a consensus within limited computing and communication resources.
Not only will the miner selected to create the next block be rewarded, but all miners will be rewarded for the contribution they made to the network.
The tailored distributed storage system ensures the efficient reading and writing of the streaming data.
The incentive mechanism in Green Bitcoin takes the energy type into consideration and gives nodes who use renewable energy more rewards to help protect the environment.
Green Bitcoin offers an alternative blockchain solution with a brand-new network architecture, storage system, consensus algorithm, incentive mechanism, and security technique. The primary goal of Green Bitcoin is to solve the underlying issues of Bitcoin through four aspects of success: energy efficiency, useful work, scalability, and green energy.
Learn more about our Technology
CloudTech-RMIT Green Cryptocurrency Joint Research Laboratory (GreenCryptoLab) is a research hub dedicated to bringing researchers and industry experts from across Australia to contribute to advancing the technologies around Green Cryptocurrency.
Learn more about Green Crypto Research Team